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Global Perspective

Young people need the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that will enable them to participate as full members of a global society. As global citizens, they need to consider rights and responsibilities and the role of citizens in a democratic society.


Check out Trócaire's new water justice resources, including the interactive game "Madzi" linked below!

Trócaire are the official Eco-School's topic partner for Global Perspective

This means they need to learn about aspects of national and international law and politics such as human rights legislation and Agenda 21.

Young people also need to engage in the global dimension to topical issues that affect them such as global warming, migration, the arms trade, and the prices of goods in the shops. They need to be able critically to assess the information that they receive via the media and to understand their consumer rights and responsibilities and thereby make informed decisions as consumers, employees and later employers. Students can also learn about democracy by studying forms of government, political and justice systems at a national, European and global level.

This topic partner is Trócaire. For ideas and suggestions on how your school can fully explore the Global Dimension topic please go to the Trócaire partner page or directly to their website www.trocaire.org

In partnership with Trócaire, Eco-Schools are proud to highlight several opportunities for schools to get involved in:

  • Game Changers: Game Changers is a programme for young people who want to learn about issues affecting our world today. Game changers encourages young people to engage with global justice issues by creating either board, card or digital games. It is open to young people from primary, post primary and youth settings.
  • The Right Focus: The Right Focus is Trócaire’s new documentary film making programme, exploring global justice issues through the lens of short documentary films. It is aimed at young people in Post Primary schools a passion for global justice, are interested in documentary film making, and want to make a difference. All you need is a passion about a global justice issue, a smart phone, and the techniques you will gain through the programme.
  • Windowsill Gardens: Get involved in creating your own Spring and Winter windowsill gardens
  • Revamped 'Go Green, Go Global' Foundation Stage to Post 16 teaching resources aimed at supporting classroom activities linked to Global Perspective, Water and Climate Change. There are worksheets, PowerPoints and videos etc. for all ages and abilities to support the teaching of these topics. Please view the resources here.
  • Key Stage 2:  'Go Green, Go Global' resource aimed at supporting classroom activities linked to Global Perspective, Water and Climate Change. Download a copy of this fantastic resource
  • Madzi Water Justice Game: This game is based on the life experiences of Malita and her children Patrick and Patricia who are from the Machinga district in Malawi.  In recent years the effects of climate change have become more extreme in Malawi. The community have experienced either ‘too much water, or too little water’ at various points throughout the year. Sometimes, extreme and prolonged droughts can make it difficult to grow crops. At other times during the year, the community is affected by powerful cyclones which bring heavy wind and rain which leads to flooding. This flooding causes huge damage to crops and infrastructure. By playing this game, young people will gain a greater insight into the challenges faced by local communities in Malawi in accessing enough clean, safe water. They will explore the causes and solutions to these challenges. Download the teacher guide here.
  • Water Justice Tree: Trócaire’s Development Education Team have created curriculum linked, digital teaching resources for primary teachers to use with their students, which take a more in depth look at Patrick and Patricia’s story as well as climate change in Malawi. Other issues as well as climate change are also explored through the lens of other peoples’ stories in countries that Trócaire works in. These are available on a new digital platform called the ‘’Water Tree of Justice’’. A multitude of interactive resources are available which include a video and an animation and follow up activities for students. 

'Go Green, Go global' Teacher resource available to download below:

Foundation stage 

Global Perspective and schools

Citizenship, in its context of fair decision-making, runs throughout the Eco-Schools process. This global perspective topic seeks to ensure that pupils also consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of the decisions that they make through this process, on the local and global community, in the future as well as for the present.

The Case Studies section outlines how other Eco-Schools have introduced global elements into daily school life. The Partners section provides details of organisations that can help you with your Global Perspective topic.

Reach out to the Environmental Education Team to hear more about our webinars and resources for Global Perspective: eco-schools@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org