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Litter Less Campaign

The Litter Less Campaign 

The Litter Less Campaign empowers young people to find solutions to litter and waste issues. Participants monitor the litter and waste produced in their school and involve the whole school and local community in Community Action Days.

*Remember, schools can use work from the Litter Less Campaign as evidence in their Green Flag Award application! 

Hedgerows Heroes Partnership

How does it work?

  • Over the academic year, carry out 6 litter picks or 6 waste measurements and record your data. Check out our Guidelines document to choose which type of monitoring is best for your school.
  • Involve the whole school or even the local community in the campaign - group litter picks, assemblies, community action days, etc.
  • Submit your report to your local field officer and eco-schools@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org
  • Upload your results to your resource library and Data Zone as evidence for your Green Flag

What materials will you need?

All schools will require scales to weigh litter or waste (in kgs). Some schools will also require litter pickers and bags.

Follow the steps below to get started!

1. Register your school and reach out to your local field officer

Complete the online registration form here. Contact your local field officer about your registration using the details below. Field officers can provide guidance and advice about running the campaign.

Anna Green, anna.green@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org

Belfast City (BCC) and Antrim & Newtownabbey (A&N)

Aodhan O'Hara, aodhan.ohara@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org

Antrim & Newtownabbey (A&N) and Mid & East Antrim

Gareth Lamrock, gareth.lamrock@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org

Derry City & Strabane (DCS), Causeway Coastal Glens (CCG)

Bronagh Kearney, bronagh.kearney@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org

Fermanagh & Omagh (FO) and Mid Ulster (MU)

2. Measure your litter or waste!

Once you’ve registered with your local field officer, the next step is to read the Guidelines for Monitoring Waste in Schools and choose one of the following criteria to measure*, monitor and report on:

Criterion 1: Amount of litter found in the school yard

Criterion 2: Amount of litter and waste collected in the school

Criterion 3: Amount of paper collected in the school or classrooms

Criterion 4: Amount of waste recycled in the school or classrooms.

You will be asked to measure the one criterion your school selected six times during the campaign. The first time you measure will be when you register. This is to ensure that the data can be used for the final impact assessment. To assist schools with this task, we have developed four frameworks (one for each criterion) which carefully explain the process and can be used as an educational exercise for students.

*Remember: Data must be recorded in kilograms (kg).

3. Teach a Lesson!

Tie your work into the curriculum by educating students about important topics around litter and waste (e.g. circular economy, plastic pollution, marine litter, etc.). Need some inspiration? You can find lesson plans about litter and waste through the Eco-Schools lens below!

Download your lessons plans here

4. Submit your final report

DATES: From September 2024 - 9th May 2025

Submit your report to your field officer and eco-schools@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org for a chance to win a monetary prize TBA!

 For more information or to register, contact eco-schools@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org.