Eco-Teacher of the Year - Nominations now open!
Niamh Nic Cana Tue 11 Sep 2018 updated: Tue 18 Sep 2018
Does your school have an Eco-Warrior? Maybe a green-thumbed, all round environmental hero in your school staff team?
Why not nominate a teacher in your school that is doing outstanding work in this area?
How to enter:
Pupils can submit a nomination in the form of a poem, letter, storyboard, essay, photos, video or whatever way you think best answers the question. Entries must be no more than 100 words to explain why their teacher should be “Eco-Teacher of the Year 2019”.
This competition is open to all schools. One entry per school. The deadline for the competition is the Friday 1st February 2019.
Email entries to: or post them to Eco-Schools, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, Bridge House, 2 Paulett Avenue, Belfast, BT5 4HD.
If you want some inspiration here is the winning nomination for last years Primary Eco-Teacher of the Year!
St John's Primary School. Derry from Eco-Schools Northern Ireland on Vimeo.