Translink Travel Challenge 2018-2019
Francesca Di Palo Thu 20 Sep 2018 updated: Mon 24 Sep 2018
It’s our 10th anniversary! Eco-Schools NI and Translink celebrate their successful collaboration to grow the number of ‘smart movers’ in Northern Ireland. We want to celebrate the event with you! Engage with schools to take part and to think about alternative sustainable transport is our mission.
Students, teachers, parents, the entire community will get involve thinking eco, enjoying the health benefits of switching their car for a bus or a bicycle.
Translink wants to grow school participation in the Travel Challenge across Northern Ireland and support the Eco-Schools Programme in the Travel topic. Teaching resources are also included in the challenge resources.
The Translink Travel Challenge is now open to all schools. It is an all year running initiative - schools choose two or more weeks, of their choice, to show their support of sustainable transport and to carbon offset.
The challenge runs until 21st May 2019, so encourage sustainable travel to school and record your results during the two weeks monitoring initiative using the resources provided!
In addition to Eco-Schools awards, classes and pupils who show the greatest change towards sustainable transport use will also be rewarded by Translink with funds and travel prizes.
We would like to hear from any schools interested in taking part in the Translink Eco-Schools Travel Challenge!
Please contact