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YRE/Into Film Workshops

Georgina Black   Fri 27 Sep 2019   updated: Tue 29 Oct 2019

We are delighted to announce that Eco-Schools NI and Into FILM have partnered-up to offer 2 workshops free of charge this November for teachers about storytelling and filmmaking.

These training courses will allow you to become more familiar with the Young Reporters for the Environment programme and at the same time, it will offer you a guide for your project delivery.

Attending the YRE/Into FILM workshops can be used towards your CPD progress and will open the possibility to start new collaborations within your school with colleagues in other departments (e.g. Film-Club coordinator and media coordinator).

Registrations are now open for interested teachers, so please contact Francesca.


10am-2pm Strule Arts Centre, Omagh - 26th November 2019

10am-2pm Crawfordsburn Country Park, Bangor - 27th November 2019

More details coming soon