As you begin your Eco-Schools journey, it is essential that you audit your current environmental impact. The Eco-Committee will use the Environmental Review Form to examine their school's environmental impacts and identify targets for action and improvement.
If we envisage the Eco-Schools programme as using a map to undertake a successful road trip, the review enables us to locate our starting point on the map. Once you know where you are starting from, you can then set realistic targets and measure success.
This process will help to raise awareness of the programme throughout the school, whereby results of the review can be publicised by means of a notice board, school newsletter, or through assembly or public announcements. It is important that the students are involved in the review process, and the Eco-Coordinator should ensure that the Eco-Committee works as closely as possible with the wider school community to carry out the Review. It is imperative that as many students as possible participate at every stage.
Complete the Environmental Review which is relevant to your
school/pupil ability.
At any point during the process, contact us and speak to one of our Eco-Schools Field Officers who are available to provide assistance, advice and extra resources to help you on your way to Green Flag Status.
The Eco-Committee should carry out an Environmental Review on an annual basis to measure and evaluate the continuing progress of the school's environmental performance.
The results of your Environmental Review will provide you with a basis to form your Action Plan. By thoroughly checking all potential environmental impacts of the school for the theme under investigation, the Environmental Review will:
• Give a clear view of the range of the school’s current environmental situation;
• Make sure that no significant areas are overlooked;
• Identify areas where little or no improvement is needed;
• Help students and the rest of the school community understand the school's impacts; and
• Help to prioritise the actions needed, set realistic goals and measure your guaranteed success.
When the time comes to apply for your Green Flag, you will need to provide details as to how and when you carried out your Environmental Review, who was involved and how you obtained the results. As there may be a long timeframe between your initial review and applying for the flag, be sure to upload all your work and results along the way.
It is very important to quantify your review using a unit of environmental performance that is applicable to your school, e.g. number/volume of bins going to landfill weekly, monthly utility meter readings, average cost of water consumption per pupil per month, etc. You can use this indicator throughout the Eco-Schools programme as a benchmark against which future monitoring can be compared. Ideally, measuring your progress will become an intrinsic part of school life. This information is required to complete your Green Flag Award application form.
Once you have completed your Environmental Review, you should use the results obtained to go on to Element 3 - The Action Plan