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Climate Calm KS2 & KS3

Welcome to Climate CALM. This free teaching and learning resource focuses on teaching KS2 pupils about climate change using an approach that aligns with the NHS ways of wellbeing.Climate CALM logo

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Climate CALM logo
Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful logo

Twinkl, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful and DAERA are working together to provide this resource at zero-cost to schools.

Eco-anxiety or climate worry is a challenge for many young people as they grow up in a world where human-induced changes in our climate will have significant impacts on their futures.

This new, certified framework provides teachers with lesson plans and resources that can be used to raise awareness about climate change and support young people to maintain good mental health through the process.

The resources are flexible and can be adapted to suit the needs of your group and your timetable.

To support teachers in the process of training young people in climate change, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful is providing free Carbon Literacy for Teacher programmes. This hybrid learning scheme provides a variety of flexible routes to certification through the Carbon Literacy Project, a United Nations recognised body. This DAERA funded training consists of 8 hrs of learning in total. We strongly advise that teachers take advantage of this training before using the Climate CALM programme. Book here.

If you would like to find out more about Climate CALM before you make a decision, do attend one of our free online teacher workshops where you can ask questions and hear more about how to use the materials most effectively. Click here to book a place.

Please contact scott.howes@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org for any further enquiries relating to Climate CALM.