What is Carbon Literacy Training?
- Climate change training
- Science based information, fully referenced
The training will focus broadly across the following areas:
- The climate change challenge and behaviour change
- Climate risks and opportunities for NI
- Global and local policy response
- UK and NI emissions
- Journey to net-zero
- Carbon footprints
- Individual and group action
- Making an emission reduction pledge
The course is externally accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project and all attendees will receive a certificate on the completion of a short evidence form at the end of the training.
What is involved?
- 1 day of fully funded training 9:30-4pm
- In-person, online, or INSET days
- Access to teaching and learning resources
- Evidence for Eco-School Green Flag application
Course is fully funded by DAERA, via the carrier bag levy, including certification
For more information and or to book click here