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Looking for online teaching resources to help engage your students with the Eco-Schools programme? Look no further! The Eco-Schools team has been working hard to connect with voices for the environment to bring you a series of Live Webinars that will be recorded and posted on our YouTube Channel. These webinars will relate directly to the 11 topics so there is something for whatever you're working on.

But wait there's more.

Registering and participating in our webinars counts as evidence towards your Eco-Schools awards, including the Green Flag award. Don't forget to tag us in any thoughts you have about our webinars and use our hashtags #virtualESNI #stayconnected2ESNI

Tip: Set the viewing of one (or more!) of these webinars as homework and encourage your students to take part in our Video Bites campaign or enter our live webinars competition to give them a platform to have their voices heard!

Pupils are also invited to plan and host their very own webinars using the Eco-Schools Zoom platform. Find out more about this empowering opportunity.

Upcoming webinars

Previous webinars (available to watch)

Webinar 1: Wednesday 20th January Watch here
Speaker: Laura Fernandez

Webinar 2: Wednesday 27th January Watch here
Speaker: Lady Portia Di Monte Marcus Hunter Neil – talks fast fashion

Webinar 3: Friday 12th February Watch here
Speaker: Lady Portia Di Monte Marcus Hunter interviews the Greener Guru about tackling Textiles

Webinar 5: Wednesday 24th February
School/young person: Ulidia College and Translink

Webinar 4: Friday 26th February @11am Watch here
Speaker: Gemma Cowles – NIHE Sustainable Development Unit

Webinar: Tuesday 2nd March Watch here
Jilly Dougan - Outdoor Learning: Jilly Dougan talks all things nature and getting outdoors

Webinar 6: Wednesday 3rd March at 11am Contact eco-schools@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org for access to the video
Speaker: Sarah Roberts – Tackling Plastics NI

Webinar 8: Tuesday 16th March Watch here
Speaker: Lady Portia Di Monte Marcus Hunter Neil interviews 2 make up artists

Webinar 9: Wednesday 24th March Watch here
Speaker Anna Neal

Webinar 10:  Watch here
Speakers: Batman and Spiderman

Webinar 11:  Watch here
Speakers: Translink Travel Challenge

Webinar 12: watch here
Speakers: Declan Green Dietitian talks healthy food choices